ZO® 3-Step Peel™

in Scottsdale, AZ

Many men and women struggle with skin issues, including hyperpigmentation, fine lines, melasma, large pores, age spots, and acne. While these irregularities and blemishes can cause you to feel self-conscious about the way you look, the ZO® 3-Step Peel™ offers revolutionary results to clear your skin of unsightly marks so that you look and feel younger and healthier.

Your ZO® treatment is made up of both an in-office skin peel treatment and at-home treatments of retinol and calming crèmes.

Schedule Your Consultation

What Are the Benefits of ZO® Treatments?

Improve Skin Appearance

ZO® was created to treat skin issues that leave many people frustrated and uncomfortable. ZO® can help repair and exfoliate the skin while stimulating the epidermis to improve skin quality. Additionally, your skin will look and feel firmer and more contoured. With your ZO® treatment, you will finally be able to look as young as you feel.

Reliable Results

While there are many skin peel treatments in the cosmetic surgery market, the ZO® 3-Step Peel™ is considered to be at the very top. This FDA-approved skin peel is safe and effective for nearly all skin types and tones. Plus, the results are long lasting and have a shorter recovery time than many other chemical peels.

Enhances Skin Barrier

Whether your troublesome skin is on your face, neck, chest, or hands, it is easy to feel embarrassed by these blemishes. The ZO® 3-Step Peel™ helps improve skin barrier protection and can even help the skin renew and repair itself. This can contribute to lasting results that you can proudly show off to the world.

What Can Your ZO® Treatment Achieve?

Healthy Skin

The ZO® 3-Step Peel™ effectively treats numerous skin issues, including:

  • Signs of aging (such as fine lines and wrinkles)
  • Acne
  • Skin texture irregularities
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Sun-damaged skin

The ZO® solution is made up of a unique mixture of trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, and lactic acid. This combination exfoliates the skin to give you a healthier look and feel. This solution also cleanses the skin to remove irregularities and unsightly blemishes, like acne, age, or sunspots.

Smooth and Tighten Skin

The ZO® chemical solution stimulates the production of collagen and elastin within the skin to support the health of the epidermis. Collagen contributes to the strength of your skin, allowing for wrinkles, fine lines, and acne scars to be smoothed. Additionally, the increased elastin will keep your skin flexible and able to better retain its firm shape.

Your ZO® 3-Step Peel™ Treatment

Consultation: At your consultation, Dr. Spies will examine your skin to confirm that the ZO® 3-Step Peel™ is the right treatment for you. You will also be given any pre or postoperative instructions, including explaining the at-home retinol and calming crème treatments.

Step 1: At your in-office appointment, the treatment area will be cleansed. Then, the ZO® peel solution will be applied so that the area is saturated.

Step 2: After the ZO® solution is administered, a vitamin A-based retinol crème will be applied to the treatment area. This crème stimulates exfoliation and cellular function in the deeper levels of the skin to stimulate collagen production, firm the skin, reduce the presence of wrinkles, and improve irregular pigmentation.

Step 3: The last in-office step is the application of the calming crème, which soothes any heat-related discomfort from the ZO® solution. Additionally, this crème minimizes inflammation and irritation in the treated area while enriching the skin.

At Home: Your ZO® treatment is not done once you leave the office. At home, you will be given retinol and calming crèmes to apply as needed. These will soothe your skin and restore moisture to the treated area.


Recovery Icon Recovery

One of the best parts about the ZO® 3-Step Peel™ is that the recovery period is shorter and less uncomfortable than with other chemical skin peels. One of the reasons for this is the use of retinol and calming crèmes.

Two or three days after your in-office ZO® treatment, the treated area will begin to peel. This peeling can last up to five days. During this time, your skin will feel dry, which can be alleviated by applying retinol and calming crèmes. You should avoid direct sunlight for seven to 10 days, and once this peeling period is over, you should make sure to apply sunscreen when you are outside.

Scars Icon Scars

Since ZO® is a nonsurgical treatment, you will not need to worry about any scarring. One of the purposes of your ZO® treatment is to reduce scars on the skin, not to add them.

Pain Icon Pain

Though there should not be any pain during or after your ZO® treatment, many patients have reported feelings of warmth and discomfort during the application of the ZO® chemical peel solution. However, the application of retinol and calming crèmes usually helps to take away any discomfort.

Cost Icon Cost

Like any cosmetic procedure, the cost of ZO® skin treatment varies for each patient. The fluctuation in price is dependent on several factors, including the extent of the treatment (the number and size of treatment locations). At your consultation with Dr. Spies, you will be given a cost estimate for your ZO® 3-Step Peel™ treatment.


Will anesthesia be used for my ZO® 3-Step Peel™ treatment?

No. Your skin will be cleansed before the application of the ZO® treatment solution, but you will not need any anesthesia. Though there may be some discomfort during the application of the solution, there should not be any pain, and retinol and calming crèmes usually relieve any discomfort you may experience.

How long do I need to wait to see my results?

After two or three days, your skin will begin to flake and peel, and this can last up to five days. After this time, you will notice healthier and smoother skin in the treated area.

How often should I have ZO® 3-Step Peel™ treatments?

You can have repeat treatments for your desired results as long as you wait three to four weeks between treatments. This allows the treated skin to heal. For optimal results, you should have maintenance treatments two to three times per year.

What risks are involved with a ZO® skin peel?

Any side effects you experience are usually temporary and remedy themselves in a few days. Some of the side effects that patients have reported include:

  • Redness
  • Stinging
  • Itching
  • Mild swelling
  • Flaking
  • Peeling

What other skin treatments does Dr. Spies offer?

In addition to ZO® skin peel treatments, Dr. Spies is proud to offer injectable and laser treatments. The injectables offered include:

  • Restylane® injectables
  • JUVÉDERM injectables
  • Sculptra® Aesthetic injectables
  • The RHA® Collection

Is financing available?

Yes, Dr. Spies is happy to offer financing options to help you achieve the look you desire.

Verified Realself

Dr. Spies' office is located in Paradise Valley, Arizona, adjacent to the Paradise Valley Cosmetic Surgery Center.

Robert J. Spies, M.D.
5410 N Scottsdale Rd C 100
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Tel: 480-359-1019