
in Scottsdale, AZ

One of the most common reasons for men and women to undergo cosmetic treatments is to improve aspects of their facial appearance. While there are numerous plastic surgery procedures available to help correct age-related skin concerns, such as facelift surgery, blepharoplasty, and brow lift surgery, these options do not always address surface-level concerns, like tone and texture irregularities or pore size.

Dermaplaning is a safe, nonsurgical skin care treatment that helps minimize surface-level facial imperfections by exfoliating facial skin while promoting cellular turnover and collagen production. This helps you achieve a more youthful and clearer complexion.

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What Are the Benefits of Dermaplaning?

Clear Skin

Dermaplaning is a cosmetic treatment that exfoliates the skin to remove dead skin cells and other pollutants. Once the top layer of skin is exfoliated, new and healthy skin cells are able to grow and be visible. Whether you have troublesome hair (including frustrating peach fuzz) or standard skin blemishes, dermaplaning can help give you the smooth, soft skin you want.

Youthful Appearance

Over time, our skin accumulates layers of skin cells, microscopic hairs, and environmental grime that can cause the skin to look dull and flaky. Dermaplaning removes these skin pollutants to help your skin look healthy and youthful. Additionally, this treatment promotes collagen production, which helps strengthen and tighten the skin.

Increased Confidence

Facial blemishes and age-related skin issues can cause men and women to look older and more run down than they actually are. While many people choose to hide their skin under makeup, accessories, or clothing, the reality is that the skin concerns are still there. With dermaplaning, you can achieve the skin quality you desire so that you can feel more confident and comfortable with your skin, whether you are at home or out in public.

What Can Dermaplaning Treat?

Skin Tone and Texture Concerns

Skin Tone and Texture Concerns

Dermaplaning gently removes the top layer of skin. This helps with minor blemishes and improves uneven skin tone and rough texture. This includes pigmentation issues, age spots, sun damage, and skin dryness.

Acne and Acne Scars

Acne and Acne Scars

Acne is commonly caused by clogged pores. Dermaplaning helps remove debris and dirt from these pores, lessening the chance of developing active acne. In addition, dermaplaning helps to improve the appearance of minor acne scars.

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

In addition to removing unwanted peach fuzz, dermaplaning also helps to minimize fine lines and wrinkles caused by dry, damaged, and dead skin cells.

Your Dermaplaning Treatment


As with any cosmetic procedure, the consultation is one of the most important aspects of your dermaplaning treatment. At your dermaplaning consultation, you will be able to share your aesthetic frustrations and goals, and your provider will be able to evaluate your condition to determine if dermaplaning is the right skin treatment for you.

Additionally, your treatment specialist will explain the treatment and answer any questions you may have about the procedure, recovery, and results.


The dermaplaning treatment does not require any anesthesia or topical cream and generally takes about 30 minutes to complete.

For this procedure, our dermaplaning specialist will gently scrape a small surgical scalpel at a 45-degree angle over your facial skin in a process that is similar to shaving. This treatment exfoliates the surface area by removing the uppermost layers of the skin.

Dead cells, unwanted hairs, and other debris are eliminated from the facial skin, while the underlying layers of skin are hydrated at the same time. This allows for new, healthy skin cells to be regenerated, which can give you clear, smooth, and beautiful skin.


Recovery  Icon Recovery

Besides the significant results you can achieve, one of the best aspects of dermaplaning is that there is no required downtime. After your procedure, you will likely experience some redness in the treated area as well as some itchiness and tenderness to the skin. These side effects should dissipate after one or two days. Additionally, your skin will be sensitive to the sun. Because of this, it is important that you limit sun exposure and wear sunscreen during the days following your dermaplaning procedure.

Scars  Icon Scars

In very rare cases, patients have experienced slight scarring from this procedure, but dermaplaning generally does not result in any scars on the treated skin. In fact, one of the reasons for undergoing a dermaplaning procedure is to minimize the appearance of scars on the face.

Pain Icon Pain

Dermaplaning is a pain-free treatment that helps you achieve smoother, tighter, and more youthful facial skin.

Cost Icon Cost

Dermaplaning cost varies for each patient and is dependent on numerous factors, including the extent of correction needed and whether or not the treatment is being combined with other procedures. At your consultation, your provider will provide you with a cost estimate for your dermaplaning treatment.


Am I a candidate for dermaplaning?

If you are frustrated with the quality of your surface skin, then dermaplaning may be the right treatment for you. Ideal dermaplaning candidates are non-smoking men and women who are in good general health, suffer from skin blemishes on the face, and have realistic expectations for their results.

When will I see my results?

You should be able to see some improvement to your facial skin immediately after your treatment; however, because of redness and discoloration in the treated area (along with the nature of the treatment), you will likely be unable to see your full results until two to three days after your procedure.

How long will my results last?

Your dermaplaning results are only temporary. Most men and women see their treatment results fading after three to four weeks. It is recommended that patients have maintenance treatments every month to maintain their results. Additionally, by having a healthy and consistent skincare routine (moisturizing, cleaning, and wearing sunscreen), you may be able to prolong your results.

What risks are involved with dermaplaning?

There are limited risks and complications associated with dermaplaning; however, it is important to understand that you may experience some skin discoloration and redness after your treatment, and your skin will be sensitive to sun exposure for several days after your procedure.

Can dermaplaning be combined with other treatments?

Yes! While many patients choose to have dermaplaning as a standalone procedure, this treatment can be combined with a chemical peel to achieve an even more effective exfoliation to the facial skin.

Is financing available?

Yes, we are proud to offer financing options to help you achieve the look you desire.

Verified Realself

Dr. Spies' office is located in Paradise Valley, Arizona, adjacent to the Paradise Valley Cosmetic Surgery Center.

Robert J. Spies, M.D.
5410 N Scottsdale Rd C 100
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Tel: 480-359-1019