Breast Lift in Scottsdale, AZ
Over the years, life can cause a lot of physical changes to one’s body. Unfortunately, your breasts can show the signs of many of these changes. Fluctuations in weight, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and natural aging can cause the breasts to lose their youthful appearance.
A breast lift is a surgical procedure that restores a youthful appearance to the breasts.
“Dear Dr. Spies,
wanted to let you know how much I love my “new face”. It just gets better every day. The work you do is wonderful and I felt so secure, knowing that when it was all over I would still look like me- only much better. Your staff of ladies are the best! I always feel so comfortable with them. Really, I can’t thank you enough.

What Can Be Achieved With a Breast Lift?
A Youthful
A Youthful
Perky, elevated breasts are a symbol of youth, whereas sagging and elongated breasts are not. Unfortunately, pregnancy and weight fluctuations contribute to the sagging of the breasts far sooner than women would like. Breast lift surgery targets premature breast sagging to achieve more youthful breasts.
Enhanced Nipple Projection and Shape
Enhanced Nipple Projection and Shape
Following pregnancy or significant weight gain, some women’s areolas become stretched or elongated, and the projection of their nipples shift downward. While improving the shape and position of the breasts, breast lift surgery can also enhance the shape and size of the areola and the projection of the nipples.
Reduction of Skin Irritation Beneath the Breasts
Reduction of Skin Irritation Beneath the Breasts
Significantly sagging breasts tend to rub against the skin at the top of the ribcage, causing chafing and uncomfortable rashes. By raising the breasts, there is less friction between the breasts and the skin beneath them, therefore eliminating unnecessary skin irritations.
During recovery, dressings or a surgical bra may be worn to aid in healing, provide support, and minimize swelling. If needed, drains may be inserted to promote healing and prevent infection. The breasts can take up to 12 weeks to settle, but bruising and swelling usually subsides after three to four weeks. Most patients can return to regular activities one week after the procedure.
A breast lift does leave scars; however, breast lift scarring is easily concealed beneath bras and swimsuits. An experienced surgeon like Dr. Spies will make the incisions as discreet as possible while still achieving the desired lift.
Anesthesia is administered during the procedure to ensure that there is no pain during or immediately after your breast lift. There is usually some soreness following a breast lift; however, pain tends to subside within the first week as the results develop.
The cost of a breast lift depends on several factors, including anesthesia fees, facility fees, surgeon’s fees, pre-surgical tests, and post-surgical dressings. The price of your breast lift will also increase if an additional surgical procedure is performed in combination with your breast lift.
While there are several variations, the average surgical fee for a breast lift is usually between $8,500 and $10,000. You will be given an accurate cost estimate during your consultation that will include all of the above factors.