
SMAS Facelift (Natural Facelift) Surgeon Scottsdale

Posted July 17, 2012 in Facelift Category

A fact of life is that gravity fully adheres to the rule: what goes up must come down. Because of this, we will all eventually experience the effect of gravity on our face. In other words, sagging of the face is a natural development in the natural aging process also accelerated by excessive sun exposure and cigarette smoking.  Sagging of the face is not just about loose skin.  It also involves laxity of deeper layers of tissue that add to the formation of sagging jowls and cheeks as well as deep lines at the corners of the mouth.  Therefore, those who want to restore their youthful look while maintaining a natural-looking appearance may be interested in undergoing the SMAS Facelift. At my Paradise Valley, Arizona practice near Scottsdale, I offer multiple facial rejuvenation techniques, including the SMAS Facelift.

A SMAS Facelift (sometimes referred to as a “natural facelift”) stands for the Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System, a layer of tissue that surrounds the facial fat above the facial muscles. This procedure entails lifting and repositioning the SMAS tissue that will provide a better contoured, more rejuvenated look. This specialized procedure is intended to reduce the unwanted appearance of sagging jowls and deep cheek lines more than any other facelift technique. A standard facelift without SMAS repair focuses only on lifting and repositioning the skin, not the deep layer tissue.  SMAS facelifts are known to last much longer than skin facelifts as well.

Every patient has individual needs and concerns regarding their facial appearance.  During your visit with me, I will help determine what will best preserve your natural beauty while bringing forth a younger-looking you. At this time, I will be happy to answer any of your questions regarding the SMAS Facelift, as well as any other facial rejuvenation options available at my office.


Please feel free to schedule a consultation with me by calling 480.890.0600. You may also fill out an online contact form.

Contact Us Today

Dr. Spies is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and highly experienced in breast lift surgery for over 35 years. If interested in undergoing this procedure, please feel free to call 480-359-1019 to schedule a consultation.

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Dr. Spies' office is located in Paradise Valley, Arizona, adjacent to the Paradise Valley Cosmetic Surgery Center.

Robert J. Spies, M.D.
5410 N Scottsdale Rd C 100
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Tel: 480-359-1019