
Plastic Surgery Procedures With Fat Transfer

Posted March 6, 2018 in Fat Transfer

slim body with arrows nearOver the past 10 to 15 years, fat transfer procedures have become popular for contouring, sculpting, and adding volume to different areas of the body. Compared to other methods, fat transferring is still a relatively new approach in the cosmetic surgery world. During a procedure, fat is removed from an unwanted area of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs, and then repurposed by using it as a “natural filler” to enhance or add volume to another area that might be lacking fullness. Many people like the natural aspect of using autologous fat tissue rather than artificial substances. The following are procedures that use the fat transfer method.

Facial Fat Transfer

Fat grafting or fat injections are a nonsurgical method for facial rejuvenation. Areas that have become deflated and appear more prominent from fat loss due to the natural aging process can be reversed with fat injections. Areas of the face that show dramatic results are nasolabial folds (laugh lines), lines beside the mouth, bags under the eyes, and the cheeks.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation using fat transfer is not considered a common procedure. Fat transfer breast augmentation is a good option for women who want a more natural-looking result and prefer a small increase in breast size. A substantial increase in breast size cannot be achieved using this method because only a certain amount of fat can be harvested from other areas and transferred to the breast. There may not be enough fat to achieve a larger breast size if desired, and traditional breast augmentation surgery is recommended.

Breast Lift

On occasion, adding fat to the upper breast area at the time of a breast lift may help improve upper breast fullness. Loss of upper fullness is one of the limitations of a breast lift over time.  Fat injections may delay this from occurring too quickly.

Buttock Augmentation

Better known as the Brazilian Butt Lift, a buttock augmentation using fat transfer via injections has seen great results in increasing shape and volume. This procedure has been steadily gaining popularity in recent years. With fat transfer, you can achieve a round and full buttocks that is more natural in appearance without the use of implants.

Fat transfer may be the best option for you if you desire a more natural look with long-lasting results. Call 480-359-1019 to set up your consultation today.


Contact Us Today

Dr. Spies is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and highly experienced in breast lift surgery for over 35 years. If interested in undergoing this procedure, please feel free to call 480-359-1019 to schedule a consultation.

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Dr. Spies' office is located in Paradise Valley, Arizona, adjacent to the Paradise Valley Cosmetic Surgery Center.

Robert J. Spies, M.D.
5410 N Scottsdale Rd C 100
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Tel: 480-359-1019