Breast Revision in Scottsdale, AZ

Breast augmentation is the most popular plastic surgery procedure performed each year. However, breast implants are not designed to be lifelong devices. Breast implants may have to be replaced or removed to correct complications or to restore the breasts to their original size.

Breast revision is a secondary surgical procedure that corrects unsatisfactory results from a previous breast augmentation by removing the breast implants entirely or replacing the implants with new ones.

Dr. Spies is among Scottsdale’s best plastic surgeons and can help improve the appearance of your breasts. He and his professional staff always aim to provide you with a plastic surgery experience that will surpass your expectations.

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What Are the Top Reasons to Get Breast Revision?

To Correct Aging Implants and Breast Tissue

The results of your breast augmentation can look drastically different after pregnancy, weight loss, or natural aging. Over time, breast size or shape can change and develop an unflattering appearance. Breast revision can restore the look of your augmented breasts with different implants or eliminate your implants for a natural look.

To Restore Natural Breast Size

On occasion, some women become dissatisfied with their augmented breasts and choose to remove their implants to restore their natural breast size. This may occur at anytime after the augmentation procedure because the results weren’t as expected, or it may be that the implants no longer suit the patient’s lifestyle and aesthetic preferences.

To Correct Implant Complications

After breast augmentation, some women experience complications like capsular contracture, bottoming out, double bubble deformity, implant malposition, or implant rupture that requires them to have their implants surgically removed and/or replaced. Breast revision can relieve you from the discomfort and breast distortion caused by a breast implant complication.


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What Are Some Common Breast Implant Complications?

Capsular Contracture

Capsular Contracture

Women may experience a condition called capsular contracture that occurs when the natural scar tissue capsule thickens and constricts around the breast implants. This condition can cause discomfort or even pain and can lead to an unflattering breast appearance that requires removal of the implant, the release of the surrounding scar tissue, and placement of a new implant.

Bottoming Out

Bottoming Out

Bottoming out is another condition that may occur after breast augmentation. It is occasionally seen in patients with implants that are too large to be supported by the breast tissue, from the squeezing effect of the muscle, or from the implant stretching the pocket. This complication occurs when an implant slips below the breast crease (inframammary fold). This implant malposition creates breast distortion that requires correction to the breast fold.

Implant Rupture

Implant Rupture

After breast augmentation, your breast implants may rupture due to age, wear and tear, trauma, and underfilling or overfilling of a saline implant. Today’s available silicone implants do not leak when ruptured. When a breast implant ruptures or deflates, breast revision surgery can remove the damaged breast implant and replace it with a new, intact one.

How Is Breast Revision Surgery Performed?


Before undergoing breast revision surgery, it is important to communicate your goals with your plastic surgeon. Dr. Spies is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and brings over 32 years of plastic surgery experience.

During your consultation with Dr. Spies, you will discuss your surgical goals and develop a plan for your surgery.

Incision Options

The incision used during your breast revision will depend on the reason for revision surgery, which may include the extent of complications.
Dr. Spies will try to utilize the same incision location used for your breast augmentation.

The three main incision options for breast revision include:

  • Inframammary incision––along the fold under the breast
  • Periareolar incision––around the perimeter of the areola
  • Breast lift incision––around the areola and vertically down to the breast fold as well as in the breast fold (anchor scars).

Removing/Replacing the Implants and Adjusting the Implant Pocket

There are various approaches to breast revision surgery because there are multiple reasons to undergo this procedure.

After the implants are removed, your surgeon may remove excess scar tissue, tighten the tissues that support the pocket around the implant, and/or incorporate other techniques as necessary to achieve the desired results.


Some patients may choose to combine their breast revision with breast lift surgery. A breast lift raises and reshapes your breasts to appear more firm and round.

Have More Concerns About Breast Revision?

Recovery Icon Recovery

Your breast revision recovery will resemble your breast augmentation recovery; however, most patients feel that their recovery after breast revision is smoother.

You should expect some swelling, bruising, tenderness, and discomfort in the days following your procedure. You may have to wear a surgical bra to support your new breasts as they heal. Very rarely, a drainage tube may be placed under your skin to collect excess fluid that may accumulate after the surgery. You should also plan to rest at home and take several days off of work.

Dr. Spies will provide you with postoperative instructions that will explain when it is safe to return to work and resume exercise.

Scars Icon Scars

The level of scarring after breast revision surgery will depend on the techniques used during your procedure. Dr. Spies will attempt to make the incision in the same spot as your breast augmentation incision to minimize scarring.

Any scarring that develops can be concealed underneath clothing and will likely fade over time with the proper care.

Results Icon Results

Breast revision surgery is performed to improve aesthetic results or correct complications from previous surgeries. Your breasts should appear more symmetrical, proportional, and natural than they appeared before your revision surgery. Having realistic expectations can help you feel satisfied with your results after breast revision.

Cost Icon Cost

The cost of breast revision surgery will depend on many factors, including anesthesia fees, surgical fees, and the techniques used. Dr. Spies will provide you with a cost estimate during your consultation.

Financing options are also available.

Breast Revision FAQs

Will I definitely need to undergo breast revision surgery at some point after my breast augmentation?

Breast revision is an elective procedure in many cases, but it may be required for the correction of surgical complications. Women with breast implants should recognize that it will likely be necessary for them to undergo breast revision at some point in the future. While most implants last up to 10 years or longer, in the event of implant failure or any other such issue, breast revision is the required corrective course.

Breast revision is elective if a woman chooses to undergo revision surgery for cosmetic reasons. Women may voluntarily choose to undergo breast revision at any point if they would like to alter their breast size or results.

Is breast revision the only option if I have surgical complications after breast augmentation?

Breast revision surgery is typically the only recourse for women with surgical complications after breast augmentation. This surgery can eliminate complications and greatly improve your results.

When will I be able to return to work after breast revision surgery?

Your recovery timeline after breast revision will depend on the techniques used and the procedures performed.

Most patients can return to work after one week but should avoid strenuous exercise until cleared by Dr. Spies to do so.

What complications can occur after breast augmentation?

Complications following breast augmentation can occur shortly or many years after the original procedure.

Some complications include:

  • Double bubble deformity
  • Symmastia
  • Implant displacement
  • Implant rippling

Fortunately, these conditions are infrequent. If they do occur, breast revision surgery can correct them to restore your breasts to a more natural, attractive appearance.

Will insurance cover my breast revision procedure?

Breast revision surgery is not usually covered by insurance unless the implants were placed after mastectomy; it is very rare for an insurance company to cover complications after elective cosmetic breast augmentation.

Contact your insurance provider for more information regarding your eligibility for coverage.

Verified Realself

Dr. Spies' office is located in Paradise Valley, Arizona, adjacent to the Paradise Valley Cosmetic Surgery Center.

Robert J. Spies, M.D.
5410 N Scottsdale Rd C 100
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Tel: 480-359-1019